by playwright and journalist Sophie Treadwell
Inspired by the real-life 1928 case of convicted and executed murderer Ruth Snyder, it is considered one of the high points of Expressionist theatre on the American stage, emphasizing high intensity and stylized movement. Thought-provoking, tragic and full of symbolism, Machinal shows the subjective reality of a single woman thrust into an overly mechanized, materialistic world.
The cast features Marie Richter (Demigods Anonymous, Palikū), Stuart Featheran (The Wind and the Reckoning film), Noah Nakachi (Oriental Faddah and Son, Palikū), Sydney Ishikawa (Gone Feeshing, Kumu Kahua Theatre), Chivalry Butler (Taming of the Shrew, Hawaii Shakespeare Festival) and many more.
April 21, 22 at 7:30pm | April 23 at 3pm | April 27, 28, 29 at 7:30pm | April 30 at 3pm